The Masticatory Organ

Book "The Masticatory Organ"
This work presents the structures of the masticatory organ as symbolic of evolutionary adaptation, through dramatic changes in posture and function. It is essential for the odontologist to realize that the trivialization of detailed knowledge, especially regarding occlusion, as currently attempted by some scientific “trend-setters”, can have dangerous consequences. In an additional chapter, guest author Professor S. Sato offers a hypothesis pertaining to the links between growth and direction of growth of the skull, considering the flexible dynamic deformations brought about by functional influences.
Concepts in Oral Medicine

Book "Concepts in Oral Medicine"
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Slavicek
Facts and documentation for the treatment of patient cases according to the principles of the Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry.
- in English and German
- divided in 3 parts (more than 1.500 pages)
These books are the logical continuation of the book "The Masticatory Organ".
The book is divided in 3 parts:
- part 1 "tractatio":
- includes statements and text concerning functions, structures, as well as concepts aiming at the treatment of the dyfunctional masticatory organ. Each chapter can be regarded as part of the complete book, but can just as well be seen as individual scientific treatises.
- part 2 "concipio":
- is an illustrated book with the aim to "facilitate the visual perception". Independently from part 1 it includes the structures and functions of the masticatory organ in a deepening and summarizing way.
- part 3 "documentatio":
- this part perspicuously illustrates selected and fully documented patient cases treated by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Slavick and his team. The evidence of the Vienna School is well documented by standardised long-term follow-up examinations.

Waxing DVD Class I
Instructional DVD of Prof. Rudolf Slavicek and his team to the
Theme "Sequential Growth of Class I Occlusion"
Prof. Slavicek describes the historical background and the need for application. All in all, it is a teaching DVD, which the viewer can process in the sense of a wax-up course:
- Basics, x-ray, articulator
- Set the occlusal plane
- Active and passive center arc
- wax-up first molars
- wax-up premolars
- wax-up front canine group
- wax-up the second molars
- Completion and control
Waxing DVD Class II, III and Crossbite
Instructional DVD by Prof. Rudolf Slavicek and his team on Theme "Sequential Growth of Class II, III and Crossbite" occlusion
- wax-up Class II without protrusion
- wax-up class II with protrusion
- wax-up Class III and Crossbite
Training and further education

Training and further education are important factors in successfully integrating a functional dentistry.
For training on GAMMA products please call us at +432243341400 and make an appointment.
GAMMA has close cooperations with renowned training institutes and universities. In cooperation with VieSID - Vienna School of InterdisciplinaryDentistry, - GAMMA offers an extra-occupational postgraduate training program. VieSID has a complete and mature learning concept on a modular basis - from one-to-one courses to academic degrees.
VieSID courses take place around the world. In Vienna, the courses take place at the University Dental Clinic of the Medical University of Vienna.
Information about the further education program of VieSID can be found under:
Tel: +43224321962
Manuals can be found in the downloads section.